Conversations with Colin: Homework Time

One day last week as we were driving home from school:

Me: “Okay, when we get home, first you need to wash your hands. And then you get to do your <VERBALJAZZHANDS>homework!</VERBALJAZZHANDS> Okay?”

Colin: “Mom. Do you really think that if you say it with an excited voice that I’ll get excited about doing it?”

Me: “It was worth a try…”

Colin: “Sure. If you say so.”

It’s possible that I am not smarter than a first grader.

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6 Responses

  1. We do jazz hands all the time at our house. We even had a kitty that we named Jazzy because of her “jazz hands/paws” but we gave her back because of the brain damage. BUT, OMG!!! I love “verbal jazz hands!” That is classic. I’m going to start using that on my kids.

    1. He has no idea how funny he is. When you laugh at something he says, he screams, “THAT’S NOT FUNNY.” I foresee a standup comedian emerging…

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