Conversations with Colin: Attention All Nerds

So Dan and I are enjoying our Saturday: building legos (yes, we really do this), drinking beer, and eating leftover pizza. The kids are reading in Colin’s room.

Me: “Man, we are so lucky that we aren’t at any kids sporting events right now. Did you see how many of our Facebook friends are?” (I’m not hating on sports, folks—we’re just super lazy.)

Dan: “Be careful what you say because we still don’t know about Colin.”

Shortly after, Colin comes in the room reading a “Skyguide” astronomy field guide, citing facts about various planets.

Colin: “I REALLY like this space book.”

Me: “Colin, you can read it any time you want.”

Colin: “YESSSSS!!!!”

It was like I just gave him the best gift in the world. So much for Dan’s warning.


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