It’s Gonna Be A Looooooong School Year

While driving to school last Friday, I was telling Erin and Colin about my plans for the day. Among other things, I explained that I was meeting with a window cleaner to get an estimate to have our windows professionally cleaned. (They haven’t been cleaned since we moved in a few years back—it’s a wonder we can tell day from night.)

Me: “I’m really excited about getting the windows cleaned. They’ll look so nice.”

Erin: “Yes! They will be so sparkly!”

Colin: “I’m really excited about the last day of school.”

Me: “Uh, Colin, you know that school isn’t over until June, right?”

And then he did the math and figured out that school is in session the majority of the calendar year and started crying. Like full-on massive meltdown. It was only the end of the fourth week of school. This year’s going to be a bitch.

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