Sometimes I’m Serious Too

I talk to my kids about suicide so they won't be afraid to talk about it--so all of us will keep the discussion going. @foxywinepocket #StopSuicide

September 6-12 is National Suicide Prevention Week. I lost my brother to suicide three years ago, and I live with chronic depression and anxiety myself. So this week is important to me to say the least.

Talking about mental illness and suicide is also very important to me. I share my experiences because I want to help people. Because I want people who are struggling to know that they are not alone. Because I want people to come to a deeper understanding of mental illness.

Those people also include my children. I wrote an essay for Scary Mommy addressing why and how I talk to my kids about depression and suicide.  Please read and/or share if you are so inclined.


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5 Responses

  1. As a nurse this was a beautiful and well written post. So very true. Thank you. There is no shame in taking meds for things like that (I love my celexa, I am a much nicer person) and I am glad the stigma is getting less so people are morelikely to talk about it and get help when/if needed.

    1. Thank you, John. I appreciate you reading and commenting. I am glad the stigma is getting less so–and hopefully we can all keep talking about it until it’s completely gone.

  2. This is a topic so near and dear to my own sad heart that I haven’t yet been able to put down in public words what it means to me. I’m so proud of you for being able to do what so many of us can’t.

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