How to Break up a Sibling Fight

Learn how to break up a sibling fight in one easy step! @foxywinepocket | humor

Siblings fight. It’s a fact of life.Unfortunately, I’ve known this from a very young age. I grew up with four brothers and one sister, and that house was a constant state of bickering and hitting and biting and screaming. As the youngest, I was often the loser.

I actually consider myself pretty lucky that my kids don’t fight more often than they do. Mostly, my daughter and son just bicker. Mostly. And I’ve found a great new strategy for ending the bickering immediately. Are you ready for it?

I sing “Ebony and Ivory” at the tops of my lungs.

You remember that fabulous song, right? (Please tell me you do, or I’ll feel old.) I sing the song VERY LOUDLY wherever we are. We could be at home or in the car or at the store. Doesn’t matter to me. But it most certainly matters to them because they stop bickering immediately and become absolutely silent (in awe or horror?). I have one of the worst singing voices in the history of the world; it kills houseplants and small animals. Match that with the ability to remember song lyrics from three decades ago, and I’ve got the perfect parenting weapon.


This strategy may not last very long, but I’ll use it while I can.


Photo Credit: fredgoldstei / 123RF Stock Photo

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15 Responses

  1. I did this to my kids in Wal-Mart once. In the afternoon. On a weekend. Yes, it was crowded. Only I didn’t sing an actual, recognizable song. Oh, no. Instead, I made it up as I went along…all about how I wished my kids would behave or that I could pretend I didn’t know them but they kept hanging around.

    And did I mention I have stage training? So I KNOW how to project — I can fill a 1500 seat theatre without a mic no prob. AND I know how to “fake” bad singing while being that loud.

    They were mortified.And the bad behavior stopped. Never had to do it again. Just the threat was enough!

    Congrats on finding one that works for you! 🙂

    1. You. Are. Awesome. I wish you had video, but the image in my head is pretty amazing.

    1. I’m 99.9% certain it would. But I’m gonna need you to show me video footage of your attempt to be 100%.

  2. I sometimes break out in song, but it usually comes out in a loud, manly, “Stop Fighting,” and if i say it loud enough, it works. Politely asking them to stop fighting never works like the parenting manuals suggest. But one day, they were arguing about who started it, and I politely asked them, “Who’s stopping it?” and silence. Then the third kid that had nothing to do with the fight broke out with, “I’m stopping it.” Like give me my halo and a cookie I am the good one. Some parents give up and just let their kids duke it out. So if you are doing anything that works, you are at a parenting win.

  3. I turn the radio on so loud that they can’t hear, doesn’t always work, but at least I can’t hear them

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